Our Mission

The SCP (Saturation Church Planting) Global Fellowship exists to glorify God through the full mobilization of all of Christ’s people around the globe for the evangelization of every man, woman, and child throughout the world.

Our Approach

  • Renovation: restoring out of focus ideas about the church and how it’s leadership is ordained by God to work.

  • Expansive: focusing upon the global evangelization task to be completed.

  • Church-centric: relying upon the local body of believers as God’s first and best provision to accomplish all that He wants to accomplish.

  • Indigenous: asking God to lead us to people who are willing and capable to take active responsibility for the full evangelization of their places, and inspire others near them to do the same.

  • Facilitative: following the leading of the Holy Spirt to identify key leaders and cooperating with them to initiate this vision in their place.

  • Theological: setting in place essential leadership development initiatives that protect and project historic orthodox convictions as the foundation to our life here on Earth.

We believe that whatever God is going to do in the world, he is going to do through all of Christ’s people.

Our Convictions

  1. Whatever God is going to do in the world, He is going to do through all Christ’s people, the Church.

  2. Whatever God is going to do in the world through all Christ’s people, He is going to do primarily through a decentralized structure.

  3. Whatever God is going to do in the world, He is going to do through leaders who empower His people in their giftedness as their first priority.

  4. Whatever God is going to do in the world distant from any local church’s circle of accountability, He is going to do through the resources of churches that are telescoping, or being globally intentional, in joint venture with the Holy Spirit and with indigenous leaders.

Our Opportunity

In order to keep up with increased global leadership opportunities, resources are needed to continue and anticipate this global work. Particularly resources are needed to:

  • Support ministry costs of indigenous leaders in the Global Fellowship who are working cross nationally with church leaders

  • Support translation costs for existing training material

  • Support global relief efforts within the Global Fellowship